As an organization you want to unlock the full potential of your learning communities. BOBIP is a breakthrough technology, that uses relational cognition to bring out the best in people.
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In the first 2 blogs I explained that it is important to find the right balance between structure and chaos and how we can do that. The last section felt maybe a little strange for you. I pointed out that there is a need for a meta intelligence, one to support learning platforms and learning communities to stay human centered…
In this article I introduce you to BOBIP, Bringing Out the Best In People. Let’s go for a ride!
Lees meerInternet of things ( IOT) is a system that allows devices to communicate directly with each other without human intervention. A key feature of the Internet of Things is that each device must be uniquely identifiable or addressable.
Your devices talk to each other, not to plot against you like in a science fiction movie, but rather to help you out. Efficiency can be gained when devices communicate their status without human intervention
IOT will be everywhere in your life and will be a game changer. New experiences business models are born.
Lees meerIt is women’s day today… a day to celebrate!
A day to take time to feel the freedom who we are, to connect with our innermost self, our core. Being a woman today with opportunities, thanks to our mothers.
A day to be thankfull for the actions our mothers took and for all the opportunities they gave us.
Lees meerWe zitten in een #transitieperiode. De helft van de jobs zal veranderen. Leren zal voor het leven zijn. De klassieke leerperiodes, die we nu kennen, verdwijnen. Levenslang leren wordt de norm. Door de technologische vooruitgang evolueren we verder naar individuele leermomenten, die onafhankelijk van tijd en ruimte staan.