“Human evolution exists at the intersection of logic and compassion” Funmilola Fagbamila

It is women’s day today… a day to celebrate!

A day to take time to feel the freedom who we are, to connect with our innermost self, our core. Being a woman today with opportunities, thanks to our mothers.

A day to be thankfull for the actions our mothers took and for all the opportunities they gave us.

“Feminist: What were they thinking”
( Johanna Demetrakas).

This film makes me thinking about what happened and happens towards women, to limit their freedom, even today. It is not okay if you need to fight to be who you are… and still a lot of people (women, men and others) fight every day to be themselves, so they can finally let shine their inner power too.

People, who know me will be surprised that I write about feminism.  I was a member of women movements… and to be honest I didn’t feel home… This was not my way.

This doesn’t mean, that I don’t want to feel the freedom to be myself ( to be a woman), that I hate other women or even I don’t appreciate those movements.
I embrace differences, all differences because those make us richer and wiser.

Observe, Imagine and Connect

Probably the most irritating thing of those movements is that they are not innovative at all. They just copy the way of existing institution or movements… They misuse power, sometimes lead to separatism (off any kind), discriminate… just those things they are fighting against.
In order to change you have to be disobedient, be a rebel, but do it wisely be observing, imagining and trough connection with yourself and others. Open your vision.

“Any kind of change, I mean, any healthy country, like a healthy individual should be in perputaul revolution, change” Jane Fonda

Separatisme: being a coloured woman

In the documentary Margret Prescod talks about the fact that coloured women couldn’t speak within those movements about the forced sterilisation of coloured women… Because other sisters were fighting on the right for abortion, fighting “to own” their own body. Both fights are fights for their own body and equally important.
If the movement is for all women and they don’t listen to a group and even tell them to put their concerns on the side line and only see the greater good or bigger cause… you use power against the group, you disresepct that group.

Funmilola Fagbamila explains:
black women can be anti-racist and for women rights. They don’t need to put aside their gender-experiences for the sake of racism. It seems that black women have to look at race and cannot talk about anything else and they surly can’t divide the troops. It was and still is difficult to be a feminist because it is like you’re against black men or all men…”

Power is a sneakily beast. In social psychology it is proofed, if power is taken by granted, that it cause a lack of empathy and often leads to corrupting effects. Especially when there is a lot of ego/ ega.

But on this day I will not whine about my sisters…

What does it mean to be a woman?

I’m so thankful to all of the women who came on the streets the reclaim  women rights and we can still learn a lot about their stories. Especially to search to your core: what does it mean to be a woman?
Can you be who you want to be? If not which battles do you have to take and which ones will get priority?

Technology and women

I’m convinced that thanks to technological innovations, society will become more feminine and feminine characteristics become more worthy and will be more valued. ( link blog). This is not only a good change for women but also for men who wants to explore their feminine sides.

Within the field of technological innovation we need more women, who are concerned by the development of tools and applications so biases and ethics will less become a problem.

Leadership, mildness and vigour go together lovingly

A year ago I started as an entrepreneur within the field of technological innovation. In the beginning it was not easy to find my place as a mentor or leader in this field. Not necessarily because of the men but because of me. It took me a while to understand that leadership, mildness and vigour go together lovingly. It was a great way to search those feelings and energy within myself and knowing on which points I still need to work.

Most of the times, as I work in the field of technological innovation, I work with men. I’m used to their way of thinking, I love it and I’ve always been respected. Maybe because I ‘ve always been myself: make jokes,  be spontaneous, creating plenty of creativity and energy. Just yesterday I’ve got a really nice compliment of one fellow male colleague, he sees me : “as a necessary and worthy completion of their team. You give us  another point of view and you’ve got that intuition….”

““Be a good girl”, that implicit that you’re not naturally good” Jane Fonda

So yes, sisters go into that men’s world of technology but stay in connection with you’re wonderful self with all your wisdom, beauty, softness, humour,….

As a rebel girl myself, I deeply recommend the book 100 Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls, where you can find role models in every colour and discipline. A perfect gift for your sister, daughter, friend , mother or why not yourself?

Be your wonderful self

In Dutch we say “niemand is gelijk maar iedereen is gelijkwaardig”, Nobody is the same but we have the same value ( we ar equal).

To end I just want to say that I’m so proud and thankful to be the woman
I was, I am and will be.
And whish you all the freedom to be and celebrate your womanhood or manhood.

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