As a “learning” consultant I get often the question about the engagement of learners (students of employees).

How can we improve motivation and engagement? Which tools can we use? Is gamification an option? Teachers often says, we designed the course, worked out the learning objectives, we tried microlearning’s, new methods… but we don’t get the engagement that we expected?

Well, does the course or training that you are giving, answer the expectations of the learners?

Even though they are brimming with good will, I can sense the frustration of teachers when students struggle to make progress. This is the time to pause and think which needs influence learners’ motivation? Where possible, we also need to create learning environments that help to meet these different needs. After all, if we can achieve this, motivation should be easy to find.

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Is the transition to hybrid working an intermediate form? Why is online learning difficult?
There is a rise of burnout, drop outs, alienation. It is time that we adapt technology to people instead of vise versa.
Can we use technology in all its value to support our unique human skills?
What functions will offices buildings and school buildings have in the future?

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Human Organizing

To make complex situations understandable, we try as humans, to put processes, knowledge, systems into visuals, models, frameworks, matrices etc… At best, these models are simplifications of reality and a stepping stone to a deeper understanding of the whole. But sometimes they are just too simple and too one-sided and they go awry. Yet they remain common good. one of these widely used models is this of an organization system.

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podcast: leercommunities

De meeste community’s falen. En dat heeft zo zijn redenen.

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kleuren en creativiteit

Vandaag heb ik vernomen dat Sir Ken Robinson op 21 augustus 2020 overleden is. Hij was een geweldig spreker, een verhalen verteller met de nodige humor en tot he point.  Hij vertelde of leren, onderwijs en creativiteit. Laten we deze passies gemeenschappelijk hebben! Ik denk aan mijn pogingen om creatieve brainstormsessies te doen met de studenten… niet evident. De tweede keer gaat het beter… als je hen hebt overtuigd dat er geen foute antwoorden bestaan….

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I make a trip today, no anthropology and no, no neurology, … nearly every article I read contains the word neurology or oxytocine. Today I make a trip to the animal kingdom. Yes I know, I am not the only one, certainly not if you consider the emerging growth of systems thinkers. And I’m not a specialist.

I had contact with Fons Feekes, founder of Myna, software that facilitates “swarming”. Not a new concept, no, and yet I advise you to read his white paper about swarm theory, which you can find on the website.  I just made some notes of my thoughts….

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