In the first 2 blogs I explained that it is important to find the right balance between structure and chaos and how we can do that. The last section felt maybe a little strange for you. I pointed out that there is a need for a meta intelligence, one to support learning platforms and learning communities to stay human centered…

In this article I introduce you to BOBIP, Bringing Out the Best In People. Let’s go for a ride!

The Family, “R”

“Keeping learners in their power and light during and after a learning track, is not the same as getting them through the next step in the track a live.”

BOBIP belongs to a family of collective and self-empowering decision logics (R) for collective goal contribution and personal investment in available activities and later engagements. These logics are built on relational cognition, positioning, performance theories, and principles of people in organized environments. We call the family “R”

Within that family, BOBIP focuses on the pre-occupation that participant learners may have in seeing the “return-on-me/us” regarding the optimal use by the organized learning environment. We ask questions refering to the 4 core topics:

curiosity, expertise, time, future

introduction to BOBIP

BOBIP is in the now, not about the now. It is about the past, but not the transactional past.

“where do we come from, where do we stand, and where do we go from here..”.

Why do people think that organizations are inhuman, not because they are not empathetic or authentic or trustworthy. It is because people feel they are not logically organized. What lacks in educational programs and communities is an overview and collective management of the continually changing inside and outside commitments of participating members, which jeopardizes their quality, outcomes, and sustainability.

The BOBIP application helps learners to choose their usual and especially extraordinary commitments as best as possible and to continuously calibrate them regarding:

•     practical learning challenges (eg prioritization, effort, persistence, openness…),

•     relationships inside and outside the learning environment (e.g. distance from coach and fellow students, openness to sources outside the environment, willingness to compromise with technology, identification with the      program, attitude to subgroups of others…)

•     a correct definition of individual and collective learning success (e.g. obtaining a diploma, personal growth, networking, learning together with others…)…     

It is about exceptional behavior.

We create pathways for learners to commit to more than they are and can. We relate the thought processes of multiple individuals (“mass-relating”) to create synergies, collective and durable progress, cohesion and identity formation. The legitimacy to do so, is built by connecting people to their own highest source of authority and ownership in the learning environment, whatever that may be.

The (greater) contribution to a (greater) whole – with all the positive effects on the individual and the group – only happens when the individual has the certainty of the relationship with co-ownership of that greater whole … whoever or whatever that co-ownership is… There is never one person who owns a relationship or a whole.

BOBIP is the method that ensures that people have a relationship with themselves to know if they are ready for a relationship with the whole and that within that relationship with the whole they find the best position to make a contribution to the whole. ( Co-Ownership)

It is not a self-reflection on value and identity, but a #self-co-reflection on relationship with oneself and the whole.

Purpose, mission and scope of BOBIP

The purpose of BOBIP is to get the best out of people in a challenging environment in which they have or have to/want to take a role. Sometimes ther is the risk “getting lost”, and BOBIP let them start with themselves, every day and after every situation again.

We focus on strenghtening the domain of “learning and knowledge”, and the importance of better inbound and outbound creation and sharing across time, people and silos. Our scope is on learning environments, project environments, education, or in ongoing operational environments (knowledge hoarding or -knowledge management).

The aim is to give people the feeling or to have them maintain that they are at their best or best possible in terms of knowledge and skills, alone and together with others, on their own or within a specific development process.

The focus is thus initially on individual self-reflection where the community- or group-wide application seeks added value and synergy for each individual in similar reflections by a larger number of individuals collaborating directly or indirectly with each other, or even in other environments in which BOBIP is used.

The strength of the application is the logical scoping, structure and scalability of the guiding reflection and suggestion protocols.

It is important here that a justified positive perception leads to more knowledge sharing/growth and performance responsibility, and a negative perception to individual or social regulation in order not to delay or even jeopardize the knowledge sharing/learning process.


BOBIP fulfills a neglected function on the learning platform / community, Learning platforms ( such as Moodle, Canvas,…) or community/ communication/ collaboration platforms such as Slack, Teams,… We presume that the learners will empower themselves, but do they?

We can support learners to empower themself if we continually inform them about changes in the learning environment. This support relates to expected engagements, activations, and commitments of others. It also enables and discusses the implications for their own with an independent authority who stands behind them and finds support from others for their commitments.

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  1. […] the layers. To have a view on “What is in for me” I prefer the four vendiagrams we worked out With BOBIP we distinguish 4 core topics or domains where the answers will be found: curiosity, exper…  Due to the overlaps, other drivers also come to the […]

  2. […] BOBIP is the method, based on relational cognition which helps to capture this triple loop […]

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